When Should I Replace My Concrete Driveway?
When Should I Replace My Concrete Driveway?
When Should I Replace My Concrete Driveway?

When Should I Replace My Concrete Driveway?

Your driveway is an integral part of your property. Apart from providing ample space for parking your vehicles, a functional driveway can boost your home's curb appeal. You can even use it as working space from time to time. However, driveways are often overlooked despite their important functions in homes or commercial properties. Most property owners do not spend a lot of time thinking about the condition of their driveways until they notice a problem. A dilapidated driveway can kill your home's curb appeal, become a safety hazard, and reduce the value of your property. If your driveway is showing signs of wear and tear, it’s a good idea to hire a concrete company to perform concrete driveway replacement. When you’re ready to replace your driveway, call Concrete Xperts to get the job done. 
Driveway damage can come from prolonged exposure to harsh elements, the weight of vehicles, fluctuating temperatures, de-icing materials, normal wear and tear, and many other sources. 

The following are signs it’s time to replace your driveway:

  • Excessive Repairs -- If new problems pop up every time you’ve made repairs or your driveway has multiple issues that require repairs, you should consider having your driveway replaced. 
  • Drainage Issues -- A driveway in good condition should drain water properly and should not direct water to your home’s foundation. If your driveway is pooling water in some areas or water is running down the middle, you need to completely replace the driveway. If left unaddressed, drainage problems can lead to more expensive issues, more so if the water affects your home’s foundation. 
  • Large Cracks  -- If your driveway has large cracks, it’s a sign the surface is past its prime and needs replacement to avoid more expensive repairs. While smaller cracks that are less than a quarter-inch can be repaired, a series of large cracks may be a sign that the foundation under your driveway is no longer supportive. The cracks may deepen and widen to form potholes. 
  • Rough appearance  -- Prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays may cause your driveway to fade and look weathered. Even though you can apply concrete sealant to restore the original look, it reaches a point where you have to go with concrete driveway replacement. 
  • Old Age -- With proper care and maintenance, a driveway can last for decades. However, even the most durable driveways don’t last forever. If your concrete driveway is nearing the 20-year mark and showing signs of wear and tear, it may be time to replace it. After years of daily use and exposure to harsh chemicals and elements, driveway damage is inevitable. Trying to repair a driveway that has reached its useful lifespan can be a futile exercise. Simply call a concrete company to replace your driveway. 

If any of these signs apply to your driveway, it’s time to call experienced concrete contractors to remove the old surface and lay a new driveway that will improve your home’s functionality. At Concrete Xperts, we have what it takes to assess the condition of your driveway and perform concrete driveway replacement.